Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 4th Weekend

We headed to Kilgore this past weekend to spend the holiday with my family. I was suppose to work on Friday, but decided at 2 on Thursday that I would really rather be off like the rest of my family. My boss let me off on short notice, so we hit the road Thursday night. Friday we did a little shopping, eating, etc. I think Abigail and mom were in the pool at 7 that morning...I of course wouldn't know cause I was getting all the extra sleep I could get!! Saturday we swam and ate and played games and watched fireworks...it was wonderful!! Dad, Eddy, and Andy went to the lake house to work a little, but I did no work this past weekend. Okay, well, I did help mom get caught up on clothes and cook all the food, but it was fun spending time with her. Abigail enjoyed the fireworks, as did Hunter. Andy bought some for us to do at the house...just like always. I love family traditions, and certain fireworks that we do all together every year is one of ours. Sunday was totally relaxing. I think I took a 2.5 hour nap!! Then home to Coppell. Traffic wasn't as bad as it's been before, so that was a huge blessing. It's amazing how quickly a nice family weekend can go!

William and Eddy. William doesn't normally smile so big in pictures, so I had to share it! And I swear he looks more like my dad each time I see him!

Hunter and Kim with a sparkler. I have to admit I wasn't brave enough to let Abigail hold it by herself like Hunter. He followed his daddy to light almost everyone...just couldn't help himself!

Abigail with her sparkler.

Abigail and Hunter having a hot dog lunch after swimming. And we didn't wait 1-2 hours before getting back in! :)

She is always ready to go swimming. She loves the water! Mom has some of the arm floaties and we put those on and she's off. I watch her like a hawk, but she's just so good and fearless! I figure that can be good and bad!

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