Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm Speechless!

The award has been handed out to me...of all people! Getting awards is not something that ever happens to me. I remember getting one from Southern Arkansas University the year after I graduated...and it was awesome! So, from what I understand, first I have to list 7 things I love, then pass the award on to 7 fantabulous friends! Here it goes:

1. My family-they are my life, so who better to start with! Eddy and Abigail bless my life in so many ways, but this also includes my parents and brothers, grandparents, aunts and uncles. I'm a family girl all the way!!

2. Traveling-I LOVE to travel, and only sad that I can't do it more often, which most of you are probably thinking if I traveled any more I would never be at home! I love the ocean, mountains, hills, sometimes even the desert...okay, not the desert. I love to appreciate God's beauty and what He's made for me to enjoy. I also love seeing what amazing things people have created, such as art, architecture, etc.

3. God/Church- I feel so blessed to have found the church where I know God wants me and my family to be. After years of searching as a married couple, we were so excited about First Baptist Coppell. Our Bible study class rocks...and shows how true Godly people live by example.

4. Reading-I think reading is the best past time ever. I could read all the time...of course I don't because time doesn't permit. But I do try to make time to get in a chapter here or there whenever possible!

5. Food/Sodas-This is terrible, but so very, very true. I adore food. I enjoy the experience, the good feeling, and it's just so dang comforting to me. If I ever figure out how to give up this one love of my life, I might be a very skinny girl!! As far as sodas, Sonic, Diet Dr. Pepper with Cherry & Vanilla...need I say more????!

6. Handbags...Awesome! I'm a handbag sort of gal...give me some cheap shoes and clothes, but I need a rockin' handbag! And how blessed I am to have a husband that understands my need and love for good, quality, gorgeous handbag!

7. Sleep-I am a sleeper. I could sleep for hours. It's crazy enough that I sleep from 9:30 until 5:45 each night, but I still think it's not enough! I mean, I need like 10-11 hours!!! Or I want that many anyway!

Now, I present the award to seven friends, who may or may not have a blog, but they mean the most to me:

1. Dee-She's more than just a friend, she's like a sister. She helps me through bad times, jumps with me in good times, and always builds my self-esteem. I love her so much, and I have no idea what I'd do without her. I'm so glad God brought us together...even though she didn't like me at first! :)

2. Katie-What would I do without Katie! She's my relief. I can talk to her and she understands everything because our lives are so similar. I can relax and totally be myself with her, and she's reignited my love for going to the movies!

3. Daisy-I'm so glad I met Daisy and that she was brave enough to ask us to lunch after church one Sunday! She has taught me so much about life and what it means to be hospitable. I miss her dearly!!

4. Heather-We've been friends forever, since we were 9. About 60% of things that I see or hear remind me of her and things we've done together. We've had so many great times, and I know there are more to come!

5. Bernie-What a Godly woman and friend. She is my prayer warrior who helps me through life with her love of God and wisdom. What a blessing that I get to move back to our Midway branch and be with her every day again!

6. Jane-Another wonderful friend who I met through work. I can vent to Jane and she can vent to me. I love our conversations and visits...just about life. And she'll be at Midway with me too!!

7. Nyssa/Carla/Jennifer-Okay...this technically takes me to 9, but I have to mention them as well. They are all equally important to me, but in different ways. We all met in college, and we were the group. We did lots of fun things together...including a road trip to the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Albuquerque, etc.!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Pizza Night

Tonight we made homemade pizza...well, the dough wasn't totally homemade, but close. Abigail helped me spread the dough and add all the toppings. I was afraid it was going to turn into a huge mess, but that didn't happen until she was actually eating! It's amazing to me that she's old enough to help with stuff like this. She's just growing too fast!

Oh, and don't look at me. I really wanted to not be in the pictures in my comfy after work attire, but that just didn't work out.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

To Go To Six Flags Or...No

So, Saturday morning we were suppose to go to Six Flags. It would have been Abigail's first trip. Unfortunately, the weather just wasn't being cooperative and we decided it was really much to cold...and windy. After a trip to Target at 11, we were 100% sure we made the right choice! So, we've had a very relaxing weekend, the first in 3 or 4 weeks...I've lost count. Saturday night we had dinner with some friends and then cupcakes for dessert. As you'll see below, Abigail LOVED it. Of course, she really only ate the icing and played with the rest! And yes, I still occassionally make clean up easier!