Sunday, June 27, 2010

Eddy and I went on vacation to the LA area about a week ago. Above is from the pier in Santa Monica. The water was awesome, weather was awesome, sleep was awesome...just doesn't get much better! We visited our friends there, so we did some touristy stuff, but we also did relax. Of course, those who know me probably don't believe the relax part, but I did this trip. I went to bed between 10 and 11 every night and didn't get up until after 9! It was awesome!!

Eddy and I on the Hollywood Homes bus tour. We are not bus tour types, but we figured if we really wanted to know where some famous people lived then this was the best way to do it. It was pretty neat seeing all we saw. Some of them belonged to the late Michael Jackson, Tom and Katie, The Spellings, The Hiltons, Leonardo DeCaprio, etc...

Me and my friend Tim. I do heart him...he's a good and fun friend!

Now if I can just find a way to live there and not be poor...