Monday, January 19, 2009

Best Day Ever!

Since it is MLK Day, the bank is closed and I got a day to myself! I took Abigail to Tammy's around 7:45, then came back home. I sat in the bed, watched Power Puff Girls and ate Lucky was awesome! Around 9 I got up and did a little scrapbooking...showered at 10, and headed downtown to eat lunch with Eddy. We went to Paradise Cafe. I left there around 12 and went to Pottery Barn Kids. In true form, I picked up lots of things and left with nothing, not a bad way to be though, right? I also went to Dillards and they are having some super sales, so I did buy a few things there. I had a hair appointment at 2 and was there until 4:15, so then it was off to get Abigail. We got jr sundaes from Sonic on the way home. Now, to end the day perfectly I just need some Mexican food!! This day ROCKS!!!
New Hair


Unknown said...

omg - love, love, love!!!
it makes you look younger - in a good way! :)
can't wait to see it in person ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daisy said...

Too cute! Glad you had a great day, you deserved it!

jrodges said...

Love the cut and color of your hair :) way cute!!!
I had a great day also!
I saw that they were having a powder puff girl marathon but alas Keith didn't want to watch it....

Rosemond said...

That sounds FABULOUS!!! (and you are hottie)

Across The Creek Farm said...

I love your new hair cut!!! Very nice!


The Theaux Family said...

The hair looks great! Cute, cute!

Bernie said...

I absolutley love your hair!! It changes your whole appearance!