So, being me, I've done the fool. Yesterday evening I was melting almond bark cause my husband wanted to cover some oreos with it...granted a great idea. It just had a funny smell to it...I don't know what...sort of like it was burning, but not. I tried to smell it in the pot, but it stunk, so I tried to smell it on the spoon. Couldn't tell you what it actually smelled like because I got it way too close...sort of like when you are smelling lotion and you get it on your nose and don't realize it...same concept, only this was HOT chocolate. Needless to say, as you can see, I burnt a layer of skin off. I'm definitely starting a new fashion! LOL!!
Jual Es Krim
9 years ago
Ouch! You weren't kidding- you did burn your nose bad. Cute pics!
You look rather cute with a red nose.... too bad it is not December you could be in fashion with the reindeer :)
And yet another reason Jessica doesn't cook!
Don't worry, Rudolph, you don't even notice it! Just kidding....I bet that hurts! Poor girl!
makes me miss you even more.
hehehe. well, now you know that you shouldn't smell the hot chocolate!
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